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PVD World Music

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About Us

About PVD World Music Institute


PVD World Music Institute is a volunteer-run community arts 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization based in Providence, RI.    


Our work showcases a plethora of contemporary efforts to cherish, celebrate and enrich African traditional music and arts through several annual and seasonal events that we curate with equity and love for community in mind. We are led by an Afrocentric and Indigenous-solidarity ethic. Through our various musical, arts and film programs, we create opportunities for cultural exchange and learning among the richly diverse communities living in Rhode Island. 


We welcome you to join our growing community as we work towards preserving, promoting and enriching the rich cultural traditions embedded in Rhode Island through performance, community advocacy, education and research programs.


PVD World Music was founded by Chance Kinyange Hakizimana Boas, who moved to Rhode Island as a Burundian refugee from Tanzania in 2008. In 2010, as a student at the Community College of Rhode Island, he conceived the concept of building a research center to promote traditions in art and music as diverse as the people of Rhode Island around him.


Our Vision​


To safeguard and shine a light on the intangible cultural heritage of African and Indigenous peoples living in Rhode Island.


Our Mission​


PVD World Music Institute aims to promote, celebrate and enrich the musical traditions and arts of African refugees and immigrants in Rhode Island for present and future generations. 


Our Goals


Goal One: Education


  • Creating opportunities for members of continental Africa and the African diaspora to share cultural knowledges and resources 

  • Facilitating public learning about African arts and cultural traditions to facilitate cross-cultural learning and dialogue

  • Creating and supporting music exchange programs between African artists within Africa and from the diaspora


Goal Two:  Support and promotion of African arts and artists


  • Provide additional economic support to otherwise underfunded and underrepresented traditional artists and artisans by taking a solidarity economics approach

  • Creating a PVD World Music Arts Center in Providence, RI to host Artist Residencies, which will include performances and showings


Goal Three:  Cultural enrichment and survival


  • Creating and supporting documentary films aimed at African arts cultural preservation, celebration and enrichment

  • Creating opportunities to use music and arts as a mechanism of peace by facilitating collaborative performances between diverse musical and arts communities


Goal Four:  Research 

  • Create a digital Living Archive through which African arts knowledges can be shared freely 

  • Shifting understandings of African musical and cultural traditions from an anticolonial perspective

  • Adding new cultural and musical knowledges that are currently lacking or underrepresented within the academy

  • Create the Inanga Arts Academy in Burundi, Africa  







PVD World Music is a volunteer-driven initiative. Please sign up to donate your time and skills


For Vendor

Join us in our first annual CULTURAL CELEBRATION MARKETS in honor of Sunday Markets around the world! We welcome all BIPOC vendors! Click to apply by May 17, 2022!


Contact Us

Jungle Mountain View

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PVD World Music Institute is supported in part by:


Rhode Island Council for the Arts | Providence Department for Arts, Culture and Tourism | Papito Opportunities Connection I Providence Innovation District Park | Troop | Farm Fresh RI | Nick Bauler |


 PVD World Music aims to promote, celebrate and enrich the musical traditions and arts of African refugees and immigrants in Rhode Island for present and future generations. Each year, we host over 30 concerts free of charge to the public and in diverse communities in Rhode Island. We also host a five-day African Film and Arts Festival through Providence. 


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